About Us
We are manufacturer & exporter various Epoxy products to various countries as per customer requirement Leveraging considerable skills and experience, Yashwant has also developed products that have been widely deployed in various industries. We believe in best Quality, Quantity & Price with continues research and development activities carried out to serve better and supply innovative products for ever rising demands of our customers.
Why only Us
- Proven Expertise in customized Adhesives & sealants.
- Wide range of Products.
- Access to Global trends in Adhesive technology to give Best value for money.
- Customized Adhesives for various applications.
- Continuous monitoring of Quality Feedback.
- Extensive Product Development Efforts.
- Proactive Approach to Customer Requirements.
Yashwant Operates in following Divisions
- A.
ENGINEERING DIVISIONEngaged in manufacturing of Sluice gates, Cast iron castings, Agricultural implements, Foot bridges & other fabrications etc
- B.
SPECIALITY CHEMICAL DIVISIONEngaged in Manufacturing of Epoxy Putty, adhesives and Epoxy Pastes- Metal filled & other compounds etc
- C.
ELECTRICAL DIVISIONWe manufacture Cast resin cable jointing kits, Taped cable Jointing Kits & Electrical Insulating Self Amalgamating Tapes